Father Figure
“Father Figure” 12 Rules For Life piece is a 9 feet tall Pen on Paper homage to Jordan B Peterson .
Dr Peterson has been featured in several pieces of mine, from “Not Your Average Joe” to “Beyond Good & Evil” and “Wrestling With Gods” .
He is one of the most important thinkers of our time and has become a “Father Figure” to many . Most individuals depicted in this piece are real people, who embody and live by the rules from his bestselling book “12 Rules For Life. An Antidote To Chaos.”
Over the course of several months, I have traveled to different places to meet with some of these individuals to learn about their journeys of overcoming tremendous challenges in life and learn how adopting Dr Peterson’s philosophy has transformed their lives .
It is my hope that this artwork will inspire you to face your dragons and “Pursue What Is Meaningful, Not What Is Expedient” .
I purposefully used a technique of exaggerated proportion of hands standing out in the piece to convey a particular meaning : Our lives are in our hands. What we can achieve can and should be bigger than us and our egos. And as Jordan Peterson often reminds us : “It’s in taking responsibility that most people find the meaning that sustains them through life. “